Otto Marseus van Schrieck

A forest floor with lizards, toads and butterflies

Otto Marseus van Schrieck - A forest floor with lizards, toads and butterflies

Otto Marseus van Schrieck
A forest floor with lizards, toads and butterflies
36.8 x 48.8 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Bonhams, London, 8 December 2016


Private Collection, Belgium
Sale Bonhams, London, 8 December 2016, nr. 3

Other works by Otto Marseus van Schrieck

Otto Marseus van Schrieck A forest floor still life
A forest floor still life

Otto Marseus van Schrieck Plants and Insects
Plants and Insects

Otto Marseus van Schrieck Thistle with Lizard, Snake, and Butterfly
Thistle with Lizard, Snake, and Butterfly

Otto Marseus van Schrieck Forest Floor with Mushrooms, Snake, Scorpion and Butterflies
Forest Floor with Mushrooms, Snake, Scorpion and Butterflies

Otto Marseus van Schrieck Forest Floor with Thistle, Reptiles, and Insects
Forest Floor with Thistle, Reptiles, and Insects