Ferdinand Bol

The Healing of Tobit

Ferdinand Bol - The Healing of Tobit

Ferdinand Bol
The Healing of Tobit
158 x 153 mm
Kupferstichkabinett, Berlin


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 42
Benesch A26
Sumowski 980

Collection catalogues
Holm Bevers, Zeichnungen der Rembrandtschule im Berliner Kupferstichkabinett, Dresden, 2018, nr. 11

External links

Kupferstichkabinett Accession number KdZ 4236

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

Ferdinand Bol Ruth and Boas
Ruth and Boas

Ferdinand Bol Laban at the Sheep-Shearing
Laban at the Sheep-Shearing

Ferdinand Bol Self-Portrait with Plumed Beret at a Window
Self-Portrait with Plumed Beret at a Window

Ferdinand Bol The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Temptation of Saint Anthony

Ferdinand Bol Venus and Adonis
Venus and Adonis