Rembrandt (?)

Jacob Blessing Joseph's Sons


Rembrandt (?) - Jacob Blessing Joseph's Sons

Rembrandt (?)
Jacob Blessing Joseph's Sons
c. 1636
107 x 113 mm
Formerly collection B. Houthakker, Amsterdam

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt The Derelict Church of Sloten
The Derelict Church of Sloten

Rembrandt Jesus Meets Martha and Mary after the Death of Lazarus
Jesus Meets Martha and Mary after the Death of Lazarus
c. 1656

Rembrandt Absalom Kneels before David
Absalom Kneels before David
c. 1652

Rembrandt Head of an Old Man in Profile
Head of an Old Man in Profile
c. 1629

Rembrandt Sketch with an African
Sketch with an African
c. 1647