Pieter de Molijn

Peasant cottages by a road with people walking by

Pieter de Molijn - Peasant cottages by a road with people walking by

Pieter de Molijn
Peasant cottages by a road with people walking by
1650 - 1660
151 × 200 mm
Black chalk, brush in grey
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


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Marijn Schapelhouman and Peter Schatborn, Dutch drawings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Amsterdam; London, 1998, nr. 251

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1898-A-3693

Other works by Pieter de Molijn

Pieter de Molijn Two men and two women by a cart in a flat landscape
Two men and two women by a cart in a flat landscape
1650 - 1660

Pieter de Molijn Wooded landscape with two figures, water in the foreground
Wooded landscape with two figures, water in the foreground
1650 - 1660

Pieter de Molijn Stone bridge by an inn
Stone bridge by an inn

Pieter de Molijn A peasant cottage and a haystack by a church
A peasant cottage and a haystack by a church
1650 - 1660

Pieter de Molijn Five fishermen hauling in a net, a small wooden bridge on the left
Five fishermen hauling in a net, a small wooden bridge on the left
1610 - 1660