1884, with the artist but said to be owned by his brother, Theo van Gogh (born 1857 - died 1891), Paris
1885, probably left by the artist in Nuenen and in 1886, deposited with Adrianus Schrauwen (born 1834 - died 1920), Breda
1902, sold by Schrauwen to Johannis Cornelis Couvreur and his brother, Johannes Marinus Couvreur
sold by the Couvreurs to Kees Mouwen (born 1853 - died 1913 or 1914), Breda
1903, probably sold by Mouwen through Kunstzalen Oldenzeel, Rotterdam
Mrs. C. Dekker-Fortanier, The Hague
Miss Nelly Dekker, The Hague
Mrs. C. Dekker-Weinberg, Wassenaar
by 1957, Bernard Houthakker, Amsterdam
1958, sold by Bernard Houthakker to the MFA, accession date 10 April 1958