Félicien Rops

Design for the Frontospice of Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire

Félicien Rops - Design for the Frontospice of Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire

Félicien Rops
Design for the Frontospice of Fleurs du Mal by Baudelaire
410 x 280 mm
Coal on paper
Private collection


Bernhard Echte, Walter Feilchenfeldt, Kunstsalon Bruno & Paul Cassirer, 2011, p. 79

Other works by Félicien Rops

Félicien Rops Pornacrates

Félicien Rops The Hanged Man in the Bell Tower
The Hanged Man in the Bell Tower

Félicien Rops Portrait of a woman
Portrait of a woman
1843 - 1898

Félicien Rops The Sower
The Sower

Félicien Rops Caricature of a Member of an Orchestra
Caricature of a Member of an Orchestra