Claes Moeyaert

Farmyard with animals

Claes Moeyaert - Farmyard with animals

Claes Moeyaert
Farmyard with animals
1610 - 1705
164 × 314 mm
Pen in brown, brush in brown over black chalk
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Collection catalogues
Marijn Schapelhouman and Peter Schatborn, Dutch drawings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Amsterdam; London, 1998, nr. 260

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1989-93

Other works by Claes Cornelisz. Moeyaert

Claes Moeyaert The Annunciation to the Shepherds
The Annunciation to the Shepherds
c. 1633 - c. 1637

Claes Moeyaert The Parable of the labourers in the vineyard
The Parable of the labourers in the vineyard
1602 - 1655

Claes Moeyaert Landscape with a bridge and a shepherd, a city in the background
Landscape with a bridge and a shepherd, a city in the background
1602 - 1655

Claes Moeyaert Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Leaving his Plough
Lucius Quintius Cincinnatus Leaving his Plough
1628 - 1632

Claes Cornelisz. Moeyaert Cloelia's escape from Porsenna's camp
Cloelia's escape from Porsenna's camp