Jan van Goyen

Peasant cottages surrounded by trees in a marshy region

Jan van Goyen - Peasant cottages surrounded by trees in a marshy region

Jan van Goyen
Peasant cottages surrounded by trees in a marshy region
116 × 194 mm
Black chalk, brush in grey
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
Beck 295

Collection catalogues
Marijn Schapelhouman and Peter Schatborn, Dutch drawings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, Amsterdam; London, 1998, nr. 174

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1897-A-3408

Other works by Jan van Goyen

Jan van Goyen A quack surrounded by a crowd
A quack surrounded by a crowd

Jan van Goyen Three fishermen hauling in their net on a riverbank
Three fishermen hauling in their net on a riverbank

Jan van Goyen A ruin by a river
A ruin by a river
1643 - 1652

Jan van Goyen Farmhouse with outbuildings
Farmhouse with outbuildings
1606 - 1656

Jan van Goyen Landscape with resting travellers
Landscape with resting travellers