Ferdinand Bol

Sitting Man with Sword

Ferdinand Bol - Sitting Man with Sword

Ferdinand Bol
Sitting Man with Sword
110.5 x 86.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Sale Sotheby's New York 1996


Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler VI, Landau/Pfalz, 1994, nr. 2207

External links

RKD 6950

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

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Pyrrhus shows his elephants to Gajus Fabritius Luscinus

Ferdinand Bol A man with a glass of wine at a window
A man with a glass of wine at a window

Ferdinand Bol Self-portrait

Ferdinand Bol Jupiter and Semele
Jupiter and Semele

Ferdinand Bol The Governors of the Leprozenhuis
The Governors of the Leprozenhuis