Ingo F. Walther, Rainer Metzger, Vincent van Gogh, Köln, 1993, pp. 588-589
Klaus Albrecht Schröder and Heinz Widauer, Sjraar van Heugten und Marije Vellekoop (eds.), Van Gogh, Köln; Wien, 2008, p. 380, fig. 1
Richard Kendall, Sjraar van Heugten, Chris Stolwijk, Van Gogh and nature, Williamstown, Massachusetts; New Haven, Connecticut, 2015, fig. 154
Steven Naifeh, Van Gogh and the artists he loved, New York, 2021, p. 253
Theo van Gogh, Paris, 1889
Jo van Gogh-Bonger, Amsterdam, 1891
Leicester Galleries, London, 1923
Sir Michael Ernest Sadler, Oxford, 1923
Leicester Galleries, London, 1934
National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh, 1934 1
Other works by Vincent van Gogh
Street in Saintes-Maries 1888
The hill of Montmartre with quarry 1886
A girl in the street, two coaches in the background 1882