Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich

A portrait of an elderly man with a fur-trimmed hat

Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich - A portrait of an elderly man with a fur-trimmed hat

Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich
A portrait of an elderly man with a fur-trimmed hat
12.3 x 8.8 cm
Oil on panel
Sale Bonhams, London, 25 April 2007

Related works

Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich - Portrait of an elderly, bearded man, bust-length, with a fur-trimmed hat
Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich
Portrait of an elderly, bearded man, bust-length, with a fur-trimmed hat


Sale Bonhams, London, 25 April 2007, nr. 152 (bought in)

Other works by Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich

Circle of Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich A shepherd and a shepherdess resting beneath a tree
A shepherd and a shepherdess resting beneath a tree

Circle of Karl Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich Portrait of an elderly, bearded man, bust-length, with a fur-trimmed hat
Portrait of an elderly, bearded man, bust-length, with a fur-trimmed hat

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich Studies after Rembrandts Hundred Guilder Print
Studies after Rembrandts Hundred Guilder Print

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich Ecce Homo
Ecce Homo

Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich Abraham and Isaac Before the Sacrifice
Abraham and Isaac Before the Sacrifice