Jacob Backer

Portrait of a Man

Jacob Backer - Portrait of a Man

Jacob Backer
Portrait of a Man
70.5 x 54 cm
Oil on panel
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler VI, Landau/Pfalz, 1994, nr. 2177

Collection catalogues
Hans Buijs & Mària van Berge-Gerbaud, Tableaux flamands et hollandais du Musée des beaux-arts de Lyon, Paris; Lyon, 1991, nr. 1
Annette de Vries, Passie voor schilderijen, Leiden, 2012, nr. 3

External links

RKD 8298

Other works by Jacob Adriaensz. Backer

Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Portrait of the Dutch council in Marseille, Abraham Velters
Portrait of the Dutch council in Marseille, Abraham Velters
c. 1639

Jacob Backer Elder woman with a black veil
Elder woman with a black veil
c. 1639

Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Young woman
Young woman
c. 1633-34

Jacob Adriaensz. Backer Portrait of a man, the left hand in front of his breast
Portrait of a man, the left hand in front of his breast
c. 1641

Jacob Adriaensz. Backer The Governors of the Nieuwezijds huiszitten- and aalmoezeniershuis in Amsterdam
The Governors of the Nieuwezijds huiszitten- and aalmoezeniershuis in Amsterdam
c. 1650-51