
Rembrandt's Mother

Rembrandt - Rembrandt's Mother

Rembrandt's Mother
c. 1628-29
120 x 105 mm
Pen and brush


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 1954-57 55 info
Schatborn D625

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Study for a Blinding of Samson (?)
Study for a Blinding of Samson (?)
c. 1635

Rembrandt Old Man with Clasped Hands
Old Man with Clasped Hands
c. 1631

Rembrandt Study of Delilah Cutting off Samson's Hair
Study of Delilah Cutting off Samson's Hair
c. 1636

Rembrandt Christ on the Mount of Olives
Christ on the Mount of Olives
c. 1655

Rembrandt Jacob's Dream
Jacob's Dream