
Study of Eve Offering the Apple to Adam

Rembrandt - Study of Eve Offering the Apple to Adam

Study of Eve Offering the Apple to Adam
c. 1638
119 x 114 mm
Pen and bistre


Benesch 1954-57 163

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Study for the Martyrdom of a Female Saint
Study for the Martyrdom of a Female Saint
c. 1635

Rembrandt Susanna and the Two Elders
Susanna and the Two Elders
early 1650s

Rembrandt Nathan Admonishing David
Nathan Admonishing David
c. 1654-55

Rembrandt God Announces His Covenant to Abraham
God Announces His Covenant to Abraham
c. 1656

Rembrandt David Takes Leave of Jonathan
David Takes Leave of Jonathan
c. 1632-33