Karel Dujardin

Return of the Holy Family from Egypt

Karel Dujardin - Return of the Holy Family from Egypt

Karel Dujardin
Return of the Holy Family from Egypt
62.5 x 50.8 cm
Oil on canvas
The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit
Gift of James E. Scripps


Collection catalogues
George S. Keyes, Susan Donahue Kuretsky, Axel RĂ¼ger, and Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr., Masters of Dutch Painting, Detroit - London, 2004, nr. 27

Other works by Karel Dujardin

Karel du Jardin River landscape with cattle and small figures
River landscape with cattle and small figures
c. 1660

Karel Dujardin Cows and sheep at a river
Cows and sheep at a river
c. 1655/56

Karel DuJardin The Smithy
The Smithy

Karel Dujardin Landscape with an Italian Town
Landscape with an Italian Town

Karel Dujardin The riding school
The riding school