Cornelis Troost

Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love


Cornelis Troost - Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love

Cornelis Troost
Jan Claasz. or the Supposed Servant Girl: Reinier Adriaansz.'s Declaration of Love
275 x 263 mm
Pastel and brush in gouache on paper
Private collection

Other works by Cornelis Troost

Cornelis Troost The regents of the Amsterdam Almoners' Orphanage
The regents of the Amsterdam Almoners' Orphanage

Cornelis Troost 'Nemo loquebatur' (No One Spoke)
'Nemo loquebatur' (No One Spoke)

Cornelis Troost The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje
The Wedding of Kloris and Roosje

Cornelis Troost Portrait of a member of the Van der Mersch family
Portrait of a member of the Van der Mersch family

Cornelis Troost Singing Round the Star on Twelfth Night
Singing Round the Star on Twelfth Night