
Beggar with His Arms Extended

Rembrandt - Beggar with His Arms Extended

Beggar with His Arms Extended
c. 1632-33
112 x 54 mm
Pen and bistre
Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
C. Hofstede de Groot Bequest


Catalogues raisonnés
Benesch 205
Schatborn D350

Collection catalogues
Peter Schatborn, Tekeningen van / Drawings by Rembrandt in het / in the Rijksmuseum, 's-Gravenhage, 1985, nr. 18

External links

Rijksmuseum Accession number RP-T-1930-37

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Farm-Houses at the Amsteldijk
Farm-Houses at the Amsteldijk
c. 1650

Rembrandt A Thatched Cottage
A Thatched Cottage
c. 1652

Rembrandt Man in a Plumed Hat with a Halberd
Man in a Plumed Hat with a Halberd
c. 1636-37

Rembrandt Entrance of a cottage with a draw-well
Entrance of a cottage with a draw-well

Rembrandt Landscape with a man standing by a road
Landscape with a man standing by a road
c. 1636