Bartholomeus Breenbergh

Title page for a series of seventeen prints

Bartholomeus Breenbergh - Title page for a series of seventeen prints

Title page of Verscheyden vervallen gebouwe, series of 17 prints

Bartholomeus Breenbergh
Title page for a series of seventeen prints
100 x 62 mm
The New York Public Library


Hollstein 3: 206

Other works by Bartholomeus Breenbergh

Bartholomeus Breenbergh Calidarium of the Hot Springs of Diocletian
Calidarium of the Hot Springs of Diocletian

Bartholomeus Breenbergh Ruins of the Colosseum
Ruins of the Colosseum

Jan de Bisschop after Bartholomeus Breenbergh The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
c. 1645-50

Bartholomeus Breenbergh Jacob Wrestling with the Angel
Jacob Wrestling with the Angel

Bartholomeus Breenbergh Capriccio view of a Mediterranean port
Capriccio view of a Mediterranean port