Ferdinand Bol

Salomo receiving gift for building the temple

Ferdinand Bol - Salomo receiving gift for building the temple

Ferdinand Bol
Salomo receiving gift for building the temple
157 x 171 cm
Oil on canvas
Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam
on loan from the Protestantse Kerk Amsterdam


Catalogues raisonnés
Blankert 1982 12
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler I, Landau/Pfalz, 1983, nr. 116

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

Ferdinand Bol Warrior

Ferdinand Bol Self-Portrait, Behind a Parapet
Self-Portrait, Behind a Parapet

Ferdinand Bol Moses brings the Tablets of Law
Moses brings the Tablets of Law

Ferdinand Bol Juda and Thamar
Juda and Thamar

Ferdinand Bol Young woman
Young woman