Ferdinand Bol

Portrait of a man sitting

Ferdinand Bol - Portrait of a man sitting

Ferdinand Bol
Portrait of a man sitting
132 x 105 cm
Oil on canvas
Blaffer Foundation, Houston, Texas


Catalogues raisonnés
Blankert 1982 91
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler I, Landau/Pfalz, 1983, nr. 176

Other works by Ferdinand Bol

Ferdinand Bol Abraham houses the three angels
Abraham houses the three angels
c. 1650

Ferdinand Bol Johanna de Geer with her children Cecilia and Laurens Trip
Johanna de Geer with her children Cecilia and Laurens Trip

Ferdinand Bol Woman in front of a mirror
Woman in front of a mirror

Ferdinand Bol Portrait of a man with a hat at a table
Portrait of a man with a hat at a table

Ferdinand Bol Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
c. 1645-46