Paul Cezanne

Male Nude

Paul Cezanne - Male Nude

Paul Cezanne
Male Nude
c. 1863
493 x 310 mm
Black chalk
The Firtzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge, UK


James A. Ganz and Richard Kendall, The Unknown Monet, Williamstown, Mass.; New Haven, 2007, fig. 57


1988 Cezanne. The Early Years 1859-1872, Nr. 72

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Male nude
Male nude
c. 1865

Paul Cézanne Head of a man
Head of a man
c. 1867-70

Paul Cézanne Studies of a mourning woman
Studies of a mourning woman
c. 1872-73

Paul Cézanne Cabaret scene, and head
Cabaret scene, and head
c. 1856-61

Paul Cézanne The painter
The painter
c. 1868-71