
Young Oriental in Rich Costume

Rembrandt - Young Oriental in Rich Costume

Young Oriental in Rich Costume
c. 1632-33
180 x 103 mm
Pen and gallnut ink, the first study of the camel's head covered with white
Friedrich August II Collection, Dresden


Benesch 208

Other works by Rembrandt

Rembrandt Ascension of Christ
Ascension of Christ
c. 1650-51

Rembrandt Sarah and Hagar
Sarah and Hagar
c. 1652-53

Rembrandt Head of an Elderly Woman
Head of an Elderly Woman
c. 1637

Rembrandt Group of three elephants
Group of three elephants
c. 1637

Rembrandt Susanna, Brought to Judgement
Susanna, Brought to Judgement
c. 1654