Jan Wijnants

Country house in a wooded landscape

Jan Wijnants - Country house in a wooded landscape

Jan Wijnants
Country house in a wooded landscape
65.3 x 52 cm
Oil on canvas
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid


HdG 284
Ivan Gaskell, Seventeenth century Dutch and Flemish painting, London, 1990, nr. 96

Other works by Jan Wijnants

Jan Wijnants, Johannes Lingelbach and Dirck Wijntrack Stream pool with ducks and fishermen
Stream pool with ducks and fishermen

Jan Wijnants Landscape with a horseman
Landscape with a horseman

Jan Wijnants The dunes near Haarlem
The dunes near Haarlem

Jan Wijnants and Adriaen van de Velde Wooded Evening Landscape
Wooded Evening Landscape

Jan Wynants Landscape