Workshop of Mattia Preti

The Beheading of St Januarius

Workshop of Mattia Preti - The Beheading of St Januarius

Workshop of Mattia Preti
The Beheading of St Januarius
154.1 x 200.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Collection Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid


Roberto Contini, Seventeenth and eighteenth century Italian painting, London, 2002, nr. 26

Other works by Mattia Preti

Circle of Mattia Preti Saint Veronica with the Veil
Saint Veronica with the Veil

Follower of Mattia Preti The Death of Socrates
The Death of Socrates

Mattia Preti The Liberation of St Peter
The Liberation of St Peter

Mattia Preti A Concert
A Concert

Mattia Preti The Risen Christ
The Risen Christ