Aert de Gelder

Esther Being Clad in Her Finery

Aert de Gelder - Esther Being Clad in Her Finery

Aert de Gelder
Esther Being Clad in Her Finery
108 x 148 cm
Oil on canvas
Schloß Sanssouci, Potsdam


Catalogues raisonnés
Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler II, Landau/Pfalz, 1983, nr. 745

External links

RKD 3770

Other works by Aert de Gelder

Arent de Gelder Simeon's song of praise
Simeon's song of praise
c. 1700

Arent de Gelder Elisha and the Widow of the Prophet Pouring the Flasks of Oil
Elisha and the Widow of the Prophet Pouring the Flasks of Oil

Aert de Gelder Esther and Mardochai
Esther and Mardochai

Aert de Gelder Painter in his workshop
Painter in his workshop
c. 1710-15

Aert de Gelder The Baptism of Christ
The Baptism of Christ