Dirck van Baburen

The Procuress

Dirck van Baburen - The Procuress

Dirck van Baburen
The Procuress
110 x 154 cm
Oil on canvas
Landesmuseum, Mainz


Collection catalogues
Carsten Voss, Niederländische Malerei des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts im Landesmuseum Mainz, Mainz, 1995, pp. 102-103

Wayne Franits, Dutch Seventeenth-Century Genre Painting, New Haven, 2004, fig. 61
Edwin Buijsen, The Young Vermeer, The Hague; Zwolle, 2010, fig. 26
Bernd Ebert and Liesbeth M. Helmus (eds.), Utrecht, Caravaggio and Europe, Munich, 2018, fig. 36
Stephan Koja, Uta Neidhardt, Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. (eds.), Johannes Vermeer. On Reflection, Dresden, 2021, p. 16, fig. 2


Probably collection of Boudewijn de Man, Delft, 1644
collection of Zacharias Richter, Leipzig, before 1764
probably collection of Johann Thomas Richter, Leipzig, after 1774
sale Leipzig, October 1810
Fischer collection, c. 1820
Wiegand collection, c. 1840
sale, Wiegand and Hartlaub, Leipzig, 3 October 1840
collection of Rudolph Weigel, Leipzig
collection of J.A. Baumgärtner, Leipzig 1855-1856
collection of J. Dietrich, Mainz
gift of J. Dietrich to the Landesmuseum Mainz, 1881

Other works by Dirck van Baburen

Dirck van Baburen The Capture of Christ
The Capture of Christ
c. 1615/16

Dirck van Baburen Granida and Daifilo (Portrait historié of Peter van Hardenbroek and Agnes van Hanxelaer)
Granida and Daifilo (Portrait historié of Peter van Hardenbroek and Agnes van Hanxelaer)

Dirck van Baburen Cimon and Pero
Cimon and Pero
c. 1623

Dirck van Baburen The Procuress
The Procuress

Dirck van Baburen Francis of Assisi
Francis of Assisi