Lambert Doomer

St Stephen's fountain in Tours and the tower of the 'Oude Keetpoort' in Enkhuizen

Lambert Doomer - St Stephen's fountain in Tours and the tower of the 'Oude Keetpoort' in Enkhuizen

Lambert Doomer
St Stephen's fountain in Tours and the tower of the 'Oude Keetpoort' in Enkhuizen
245 x 400 mm
Black chalk, brown wash, greyish green watercolour
Institut NĂ©erlandais, Frits Lugt Collection, Paris


Collection catalogues
Peter Schatborn, Rembrandt and his circle, Bussum, 2010, cat. no. 44

Other works by Lambert Doomer

Lambert Doomer after Roelant Savery Rocky landscape with a panorama
Rocky landscape with a panorama

Lambert Doomer Mountain landscape with a river and a cottage
Mountain landscape with a river and a cottage

Lambert Doomer A road near Vertou to the south-east of Nantes
A road near Vertou to the south-east of Nantes

Lambert Doomer Courtyard in Bacharach
Courtyard in Bacharach

Lambert Doomer Boppard on the Rhine
Boppard on the Rhine