Paul Cézanne

Landscape in Provence

Paul Cézanne - Landscape in Provence

Paul Cézanne
Landscape in Provence
450 x 603 mm
Watercolour on paper
Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, Parma


2006 Cézanne in Provence, Nr. 80

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cezanne Scene illustrating a romantic story
Scene illustrating a romantic story
c. 1875

Paul Cézanne Cistern in the park of the Château Noir
Cistern in the park of the Château Noir

Paul Cézanne The orgy or The banquet
The orgy or The banquet
c. 1867

Paul Cézanne Landscape with house and roof
Landscape with house and roof

Paul Cézanne The Balcony
The Balcony
c. 1895