Leonaert Bramer

Money Combats The World, The Flesh and The Devil

Leonaert Bramer - Money Combats The World, The Flesh and The Devil

Leonaert Bramer
Money Combats The World, The Flesh and The Devil
c. 195 x 150 mm
Brush and grey ink
Staatliche Graphische Sammlung, Munich

Other works by Leonaert Bramer

Leonaert Bramer Quevedo and the Skeletons of Juan de la Encina and King Perico
Quevedo and the Skeletons of Juan de la Encina and King Perico

Leonaert Bramer Lazarillo is Led through Spain as a Sea Monster
Lazarillo is Led through Spain as a Sea Monster

Leonaert Bramer The Four Latin Fathers of the Church and numerous Saints
The Four Latin Fathers of the Church and numerous Saints

Leonaert Bramer The Life of Christ
The Life of Christ

Leonaert Bramer The Relief of Leiden
The Relief of Leiden