Alexandre Gabriël Decamps - Watchdogs

Alexandre Gabriël Decamps
c. 1829
98 x 130.5 cm
Oil on canvas
Museum Mesdag, The Hague


Fred Leeman, Hanna Pennock, Museum Mesdag, Amsterdam; Zwolle, 1996, cat no. 110


Purchased by Mesdag from Wisselingh, The Hague, 1888

Other works by Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps The Punishment of the Hooks
The Punishment of the Hooks

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps The Reading of a Firman
The Reading of a Firman

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps The Favourite of the Pasha
The Favourite of the Pasha

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps The Bookworm
The Bookworm

Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps A Well in the East
A Well in the East