11 | | Jacques Bos, Between physiognomy and pathognomy: theoretical perspectives on the representation of characters and emotions in the seventeenth century
25 | | Ulrich Heinen, Stoisch Sterben lernen - Rubens' Memorialbild auf Justus Lipsius und Philip Rubens
69 | | Bert Watteeuw, Een neus voor kunst. De Antwerpse liefhebber Jacomo de Cachiopin (1591/92-1659) en zijn collectie
101 | | Jan Dequeker, A physician's view beyond the curtains of seventeenth-century Flemish and Dutch baroque portraits
109 | | Rudie van Leeuwen, The portrait historiƩ in religious context and its condemnation
125 | | Daantje Meuwissen, 'According to old custom'. The seventeenth-century portrait series depicting the land commanders of the Teutonic Order of Knights, Utrecht Bailiwick
141 | | Karolien De Clippel, Naked or not? Some thoughts on nudity and portraiture in seventeenth-century painting
165 | | Rudi Ekkart, De herontdekking van het portret van de familie Van Mierevelt
175 | | Bert Timmermans, (Family) portraits in the contruction of a visual family tree and a social identity. Anticipating the aspirations of elite clientele in seventeenth-century Antwerp
193 | | Ann Jensen Adams, The performative portrait historiƩ
217 | | Jeffrey Muller, The importance of place in Pieter Thys's group portrait of the wardens of the Holy Sacrament Chapel in St. Jacob's Church, Antwerp
229 | | Zirka Z. Filipczak, Portraits of women who 'do not keep strictly to the Masculine and Feminine Genders, as they call them'
249 | | Katlijne Van der Stighelen, 'Amoris et doloris monumentum'. Portraits and how they were perceived in the baroque age