6 | | Eric Jorink and Bart Ramakers, Undivided territory, 'Art' and 'science' in the early modern Netherlands
34 | | Sven Dupré, The historiography of perspective and reflexy-const in Netherlandish art
62 | | Dániel Margócsy, The camel's head, Representing unseen animals in sixteenth-century Europe
86 | | Marrigje Rikken and Paul J. Smith, Jan Brueghel's Allegory of air (1621) from a natural historical perspective
116 | | Karin Leonhard, Painted poison, Venomous beasts, herbs, gems, and Baroque colour theory
148 | | Eric Jorink, Beyond the lines of Apelles, Johannes Swammerdam, Dutch scientific culture and the representation of insect anatomy
184 | | Gijsbert M. van de Roemer, Regulating the arts, Willem Goeree versus Samuel van Hoogstraten
208 | | Rienk Vermij, The light of nature and the allegorisation of science on Dutch frontispieces around 1700
238 | | Thijs Weststeijn, From hieroglyphs to universal characters, Pictography in the early modern Netherlands
282 | | Joke Spaans, Art, science and religion in Romeyn de Hooghe's Hieroglyphica
308 | | Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis, 'Will the eye be the sole judge?', 'Science' and 'art' in the optical inquiries of Lambert ten Kate and Hendrik van Limborch around 1710
332 | | Bart Ramakers, Staging nature, Observation, imagination and experience in E.M. Post's Het land, in brieven (1788)