Dutch and Flemish artists in Britain 1550-1800

Juliette Roding, Eric Jan Sluijter, Bart Westerweel, Marijke van der Meij-Tolsma, Eric Domela Nieuwenhuis (ed.)

Title:Dutch and Flemish artists in Britain 1550-1800
Publisher:Primavera Pers
Series:Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, Nr. 13


7  Bart Westerweel, preface
11  Eric Jan Sluijter, The English venture: Dutch and Flemish artists in Britain 1550-1800
31  Maximiliaan Martens and Natasja Peeters, 'A tale of two cities': Antwerp artists and artisans in London in the sixteenth century
43  Gervase Hood, The Netherlandic community in London and patronage of painters and architects in early Stuart London
57  Victor Morgan, The Dutch and Flemish presence and the emergence of an Anglo-Dutch provincial artistic tradition in Norwich, c. 1500-1700
73  Marika Keblusek, Cultural and political brokerage in seventeenth-century England: the case of Balthazar Gerbier
85  Josua Bruyn, Hubert (Huybrecht) Beuckelaer, an Antwerp portrait painter, and his English patron, the Earl of Leicester
113  Karen Hearn, The English career of Cornelius Johnson
137  Richard P. Townsend, Alexander Keirincx's royal commission of 1639-1640
153  Sir Oliver Millar, Jan Wyck and the Battle and the Chase in late Stuart England
177  David Jacques, Netherlandish topographical artists and English gardens
189  Alison Stoesser, The influence of Dutch classicist architects on the works of Robert Hooke, scientist and architect
207  Adriana Turpin, Floral Marquetry in late seventeenth-century England and Holland
233  Anthony Wells-Cole, The Patronage of Elizabeth Countess of Shrewsbury at Chatsworth and Hardwick: a study in the influence of Netherlandish prints in sixteenth-century England
255  Robert Hill, Sir Dudley Carleton and his relations with Dutch artists 1616-1632
275  Caroline Knight, Dutch courtiers in Britain: William III and his circle
287  Andrew Moore, Sir Robert Walpole. A Prime Minister collects Dutch and Flemish art