Bernaert de Rijckere (c. 1535 - 1590)

Netherlandish painter and draftsman

Overview | Works (2)

Articles on Bernaert de Rijckere
Hanna Benesz, Allegorical Female Busts by Bernaert de Rijckere in the National Museum in Warsaw, in Oud Holland, 111, 1997 pp. 1-12  read online
Karl Johns, Magdalene at the Crossroads and Bernaert de Rijckere, in Cynthia P. Schneider, William W. Robinson, Alice I. Davies (eds.), Shop Talk, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1995, pp 120-123
Detlev Kreidl, Zur Bestimmung des Wiener Diana und Aktäon-Bildes als Werk des Bernaert de Rijckere, in Oud Holland, 93, 1979 pp. 47-51
K.G. Boon, De Antwerpse schilder Bernaert de Rijckere en zijn tekeningen-oeuvre, in Oud Holland, 91, 1977 pp. 109-131

Exhibitions with works by Bernaert de Rijckere:
2000     Pride and Joy: Children's Portraits in The Netherlands 1500-1700

Born:   c. 1535
Died:   1590
ULAN:   500025497