Gustave Caillebotte (1848 - 1894)

French painter

Overview | Works (156)

Catalogue raisonné

Books on Gustave Caillebotte
 Michael Marrinan
Gustave Caillebotte, Painting the Paris of naturalism, 1872-1887
Los Angeles, California, 2016

 Karin Sagner, Ulrich Pohlmann, Franz Kaiser, Gilles Chardeau
Gustave Caillebotte, Een impressionist en de fotografie
[The Hague], [2013]

Articles on Gustave Caillebotte
Malcolm Park, Three street drawings by Gustave Caillebotte, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 536-539
Dorothee Hansen, Newly discovered prints by Gustave Caillebotte, in Burlington Magazine, 151, 2009 pp. 160-162
Christopher Lloyd, An Unknown Sketchbook by Gustave Caillebotte, in Master Drawings, 26, 1988 pp. 107-118, 145-169

Born:   1848
Died:   1894
ULAN:   500011706