John Brett (1831 - 1902)

British painter

Overview | Works (8)

 Katharine Baetjer
British paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1575-1875
New York; New Haven and London, 2009

Articles on John Brett
Christina Payne, John Brett's 'Christmas morning, 1866', in Burlington Magazine, 150, 2008 pp. 813-820
Christopher Newall, 'Val d'Aosta': John Brett and John Ruskin in the Alps, 1858, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 165-172
Michael Hickox, John Brett and Ruskin, in Burlington Magazine, 138, 1996 pp. 521-525  read online

Exhibitions with works by John Brett:
2012     Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avant-Garde

Born:   8 December 1831
   Bletchingly, Surrey
Died:   7 January 1902
ULAN:   500003891