William Blake (1757 - 1827)

English poet and printmaker

Overview | Works (3)

 Katharine Baetjer
British paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1575-1875
New York; New Haven and London, 2009

Articles on William Blake
Seymour Howard, William Blake: The Antique, Nudity, and Nakedness: A Study in Idealism and Regression, in Artibus et Historiae, 6, 1982 pp. 117-149  read online
John S. Newberry, William Blake's Original Line-Engravings in the Philadelphia Exhibition, in The Print Collector's Quarterly, 26, 1939 pp. 67-81

Articles with substantial mentioning of William Blake
Evert van Uitert, Twee gedichten van William Blake, 'Florentine Ingratitude' en 'To Venetian Artists', in Simiolus, 2, 1967-68 pp. 46-59

Exhibitions with works by William Blake:
2012     Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avant-Garde
2008     Black is beautiful. Rubens to Dumas

Born:   28 November 1757
Died:   12 August 1827
ULAN:   500012489