Jacopo da Empoli (1551 - 1640)

Italian painter

Overview | Works (4)

Articles on Jacopo da Empoli
Antonio Vannugli, Jacopo da Empoli's Study for "Glaucus and Scylla", in Master Drawings, 33, 1995 pp. 405-409
Mary Newcome, Ludovico Carracci, Jacopo da Empoli, Giovanni Andrea de Ferrari, Notes on Three Drawings in the Palazzo Rosso in Genoa, in Master Drawings, 23/24, 1985 pp. 204-207, 274-276

Exhibitions with works by Jacopo da Empoli:
2012     De Heemskerck à Le Brun: les plus beaux dessins du musée du Mont-de-Piété de Bergues

Born:   1551
Died:   1640
ULAN:   500011621