Joshua Reynolds

Augustus John Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol (1724-1779), Admiral and Politician


Joshua Reynolds - Augustus John Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol (1724-1779), Admiral and Politician

Joshua Reynolds
Augustus John Hervey, 3rd Earl of Bristol (1724-1779), Admiral and Politician
125 x 103 cm
Oil on canvas
St Edmundsbury Museums
on long-term loan to Ikworth House (National Trust)

Other works by Joshua Reynolds

Joshua Reynolds Mr Huddesford and Mr Bampfylde
Mr Huddesford and Mr Bampfylde

Joshua Reynolds Lady Anstruther
Lady Anstruther

Joshua Reynolds Portrait of the Hon. John Tufton (1773-1799)
Portrait of the Hon. John Tufton (1773-1799)

Joshua Reynolds Lord Rockingham and Edmund Burke
Lord Rockingham and Edmund Burke

Joshua Reynolds Lady Charlotte Hill, Countess Talbot
Lady Charlotte Hill, Countess Talbot
exhibited 1782