Ackland Art Museum, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Works | Exhibitions | Literature

Ackland Art Museum, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
101 S Columbia St
Chapel Hill, NC 27599

Jean-Léon Gérôme - La Fontaine and Moliere
Jean-Léon Gérôme
La Fontaine and Moliere
c. 1890

Jan Lievens - Old Man
Jan Lievens
Old Man

Rembrandt - Noli Me Tangere
Noli Me Tangere
c. 1655-56

Jan Lievens - Ruins of the Castle of Brederode
Jan Lievens
Ruins of the Castle of Brederode
c. 1645-55

Hendrick Hondius - Ruins of Castle Spangen
Hendrick Hondius
Ruins of Castle Spangen
c. 1640-50

Rembrandt - Sheet of Studies
Sheet of Studies
c. 1636

Rembrandt - Old Man in a Fur Cap
Old Man in a Fur Cap
c. 1648

Rembrandt - Riverscape with a Sailing-Boat
Riverscape with a Sailing-Boat
c. 1654-55

Jacques de Gheyn II - Young Man Writ­ing at a Table (The Artist’s Son)
Jacques de Gheyn II
Young Man Writ­ing at a Table (The Artist’s Son)
c. 1605-10

Rembrandt - Man Seated beside a Stove
Man Seated beside a Stove
c. 1650

Rembrandt - Seat­ed Man Warm­ing His Hands by a Fire
Seat­ed Man Warm­ing His Hands by a Fire
c. 1650

Esaias van de Velde - A Clus­ter of Trees near a Ruin
Esaias van de Velde
A Clus­ter of Trees near a Ruin
c. 1620-25

Ferdinand Bol - Por­trait of a Gen­tle­man (Elbert or Hen­drick Dirck­sz Spiegel?)
Ferdinand Bol
Por­trait of a Gen­tle­man (Elbert or Hen­drick Dirck­sz Spiegel?)

Abraham Bloemaert - Stud­ies of Putti
Abraham Bloemaert
Stud­ies of Putti
c. 1590-1600

Egbert van der Poel - Fam­i­ly in an Inte­ri­or at Night
Egbert van der Poel
Fam­i­ly in an Inte­ri­or at Night
c. 1650-55

Guillam Dubois - Cot­tages Along a Wood­ed Road
Guillam Dubois
Cot­tages Along a Wood­ed Road
c. 1647

Jacob Matham - Man with Plumed Hat, Depict­ed as Sculpt­ed Bust
Jacob Matham
Man with Plumed Hat, Depict­ed as Sculpt­ed Bust

Jacques de Gheyn II - Sor­cer­ess with a Quill Pen
Jacques de Gheyn II
Sor­cer­ess with a Quill Pen
c. 1610-20

Nicolaes Maes - Sketch of St. Matthew and the Angel
Nicolaes Maes
Sketch of St. Matthew and the Angel
c. 1652-53

Frans van Mieris the Elder - Head of a Woman Look­ing Down­ward
Frans van Mieris the Elder
Head of a Woman Look­ing Down­ward
c. 1660-70

Jacob van Ruisdael - A Group of Trees by the Water
Jacob van Ruisdael
A Group of Trees by the Water
c. 1648-55

Samuel van Hoogstraten - Study of a Male Nude Hold­ing a Staff
Samuel van Hoogstraten
Study of a Male Nude Hold­ing a Staff
c. 1646

Abraham Bloemaert - Stud­ies of Hands
Abraham Bloemaert
Stud­ies of Hands
c. 1595-1605

Thomas Adriaensz. Wyck - Inte­ri­or with Bed
Thomas Adriaensz. Wyck
Inte­ri­or with Bed
c. 1650-60

Nicolaes Berchem - Trav­el­ers in an Ital­ian Land­scape
Nicolaes Berchem
Trav­el­ers in an Ital­ian Land­scape

Guillam Dubois - View of Noord­wijk­er­hout, with the Witte Kerk
Guillam Dubois
View of Noord­wijk­er­hout, with the Witte Kerk
c. 1646-50

Herman Saftleven - Clus­ter of Trees in the Dunes
Herman Saftleven
Clus­ter of Trees in the Dunes
c. 1627-30

Anthonie van Borssom - Broad River Land­scape with Boats
Anthonie van Borssom
Broad River Land­scape with Boats
c. 1650

Esaias van de Velde - River Land­scape on a Hill
Esaias van de Velde
River Land­scape on a Hill

Allart van Everdingen - Rocky Coast with Boats on a Rough Sea
Allart van Everdingen
Rocky Coast with Boats on a Rough Sea
c. 1650

Govert Flinck - The Sac­ri­fice of Manoah
Govert Flinck
The Sac­ri­fice of Manoah
c. 1640-50

Pieter de Molijn - Cot­tages in the Dunes
Pieter de Molijn
Cot­tages in the Dunes

Attributed to Pieter van Laer - Fig­ures Danc­ing Around a Fire
Attributed to Pieter van Laer
Fig­ures Danc­ing Around a Fire
c. 1635

Cornelis Dusart - A Milk Sell­er Before a House or Inn
Cornelis Dusart
A Milk Sell­er Before a House or Inn
c. 1680-90

Frans van Mieris the Elder - A Woman Asleep at a Table
Frans van Mieris the Elder
A Woman Asleep at a Table
c. 1660-70

Godfried Schalcken - Self-por­trait (Study for the Uffizi Paint­ing)
Godfried Schalcken
Self-por­trait (Study for the Uffizi Paint­ing)
c. 1694-95

Herman Saftleven - Woods near Doorn, with a Shep­herd and His Flock
Herman Saftleven
Woods near Doorn, with a Shep­herd and His Flock
c. 1645-55

Lambert Doomer - Vil­lage Scene with Hous­es and a Bridge
Lambert Doomer
Vil­lage Scene with Hous­es and a Bridge

Samuel van Hoogstraten - Stud­ies of Three Stand­ing Fig­ures and a Head
Samuel van Hoogstraten
Stud­ies of Three Stand­ing Fig­ures and a Head
c. 1645-50

Allart van Everdingen - Vil­lagers Play­ing Pulling-the-Goose
Allart van Everdingen
Vil­lagers Play­ing Pulling-the-Goose
c. 1650

Cornelis Hendricksz. Vroom - Ruins of the Tem­ple of Min­er­va in the Forum of Nerva
Cornelis Hendricksz. Vroom
Ruins of the Tem­ple of Min­er­va in the Forum of Nerva
c. 1610-20

Jan van Goyen - Fig­ures in a Boat near a Dove­cote
Jan van Goyen
Fig­ures in a Boat near a Dove­cote
c. 1640-50

Abraham de Verwer - Ships on a Calm Sea
Abraham de Verwer
Ships on a Calm Sea
c. 1640-50

Aelbert Cuyp - Five Stud­ies of Recum­bent Sheep
Aelbert Cuyp
Five Stud­ies of Recum­bent Sheep
c. 1646

Bartholomeus Breen­bergh - View from Inside a Vault­ed Cham­ber, Pos­si­bly the Villa of Mae­ce­nas in Tivoli
Bartholomeus Breen­bergh
View from Inside a Vault­ed Cham­ber, Pos­si­bly the Villa of Mae­ce­nas in Tivoli

Bartholomeus Breen­bergh - Cliffs, Pos­si­bly near Brac­ciano
Bartholomeus Breen­bergh
Cliffs, Pos­si­bly near Brac­ciano
c. 1625

Cornelis Dusart - A Bag­piper
Cornelis Dusart
A Bag­piper
c. 1695

Jacob van der Ulft - Study of Two Trees on a Rise
Jacob van der Ulft
Study of Two Trees on a Rise
c. 1680

Jan de Bisschop - Study of a Bronze Stat­uette, after Willem Daniel­sz. van Tetrode
Jan de Bisschop
Study of a Bronze Stat­uette, after Willem Daniel­sz. van Tetrode
c. 1660-70

Adriaen van Ostade - Study of a Seat­ed Man Hold­ing a Pipe
Adriaen van Ostade
Study of a Seat­ed Man Hold­ing a Pipe
c. 1670-80

Jan van de Velde II - Man Wear­ing a Fur Hat
Jan van de Velde II
Man Wear­ing a Fur Hat

Roelant Roghman - High Trees by a River with a Town in the Dis­tance
Roelant Roghman
High Trees by a River with a Town in the Dis­tance
c. 1650-55

Thomas Wyck - A Court­yard in Italy
Thomas Wyck
A Court­yard in Italy
c. 1640-50

Willem van de Velde the Younger - Ships and Fish­ing Boats in a Calm Sea
Willem van de Velde the Younger
Ships and Fish­ing Boats in a Calm Sea
c. 1660-70

Constantijn Huygens the Younger - Study of a Seat­ed Woman
Constantijn Huygens the Younger
Study of a Seat­ed Woman
c. 1665-70

Jacob Adriaensz. Backer - Study of a Man Hold­ing a Glass
Jacob Adriaensz. Backer
Study of a Man Hold­ing a Glass
c. 1640-50

Attrib­uted to Her­man Nai­wincx - Knoll Above a Pond
Attrib­uted to Her­man Nai­wincx
Knoll Above a Pond
c. 1640-50

Willem Schellinks - The 'Grot­to of Vir­gil' at Posil­lipo near Naples
Willem Schellinks
The 'Grot­to of Vir­gil' at Posil­lipo near Naples
c. 1664

Jan van Goyen - The Fortress at Gen­nep with Mil­i­tary Encamp­ment
Jan van Goyen
The Fortress at Gen­nep with Mil­i­tary Encamp­ment
c. 1645-55

Anthonie Waterloo - Land­scape with Trees by a River
Anthonie Waterloo
Land­scape with Trees by a River
c. 1670