Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830)

English painter

Articles on Thomas Lawrence
Leslie M. Scattone, New information on Lawrence's 'Portrait of Joseph Henry', in Burlington Magazine, 155, 2013 pp. 246-249
Annette Wickham, Thomas Lawrence and the Royal Academy's cartoon of 'Leda and the swan' after Michelangelo, in Burlington Magazine, 152, 2010 pp. 297-302
Hugh Belsey, Sir Thomas Lawrence's portraits for the County Building, Perth, in Burlington Magazine, 149, 2007 pp. 158-164
Michèle Hannoosh, An unpublished letter from Sir Thomas Lawrence to Delacroix, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 323-326

Born:   1769
Died:   1830
ULAN:   500022619