Bernardo Bellotto (1722 - 1780)

Italian painter and draftsman

Articles on Bernardo Bellotto
Bozena Anna Kowalczyk, Bellotto and Zanetti in Florence, in Burlington Magazine, 154, 2012 pp. 24-31
Ewa Manikowska, The rediscovery of Bernardo Bellotto's inventory, in Burlington Magazine, 154, 2012 pp. 32-36
Charles Beddington, Bernardo Bellotto and his circle in Italy. Part II: the Lyon Master and Pietro Bellotti, in Burlington Magazine, 147, 2005 pp. 16-25
Charles Beddington, Bernardo Bellotto and his circle in Italy. Part I: not Canaletto but Bellotto, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 665-674
Andria Derstine, Views of Dolo by Canaletto, Bellotto, Cimaroli and Guardi, in Burlington Magazine, 146, 2004 pp. 675-682
Carl Villis, Bernardo Bellotto's Seven Large Views of Rome, c.1743, in Burlington Magazine, 142, 2000 pp. 76-81

Born:   1722
Died:   1780
ULAN:   500028876