
The Raising of the Cross

Rembrandt - The Raising of the Cross

The Raising of the Cross
c. 1627-28
193 x 148 mm
Black chalk
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam

Related works


Rembrandt - Two Figures Seated in Arm-Chairs
Two Figures Seated in Arm-Chairs
c. 1627-28


Catalogues raisonnés
HdG 1362
Valentiner 483
Benesch 1954-57, 6 recto info
Benesch 1973 6 recto info
Schatborn D3

Other works by Rembrandt

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Lioness Eating a Bird
c. 1641

Rembrandt The Death of Jacob
The Death of Jacob
c. 1640-42

Rembrandt Joseph in Prison Interpreting the Dreams of Pharaoh's Baker and Butler
Joseph in Prison Interpreting the Dreams of Pharaoh's Baker and Butler
c. 1639

Rembrandt Satan Tempting Christ to Change Stones into Bread
Satan Tempting Christ to Change Stones into Bread
c. 1632-33

Rembrandt Christ Conversing with Mary in the House of Lazarus
Christ Conversing with Mary in the House of Lazarus
c. 1632-33