Edgar Degas

Jockey in Profile

Edgar Degas - Jockey in Profile

Edgar Degas
Jockey in Profile
c. 1884
500 x 325 mm
Charcoal on blue-gray laid paper now discolored to buff
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford


1998 Degas at the Races, Nr. 75

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Study of a Jockey
Study of a Jockey
c. 1884

Edgar Degas Studies of Horses
Studies of Horses

Edgar Degas A Jockey on His Horse
A Jockey on His Horse
c. 1868-70

Edgar Degas Studies of Horses
Studies of Horses

Edgar Degas Four Studies of a Groom
Four Studies of a Groom
c. 1878