Herman Saftleven

Ruined Cottages in Apstede, near Utrecht

Herman Saftleven - Ruined Cottages in Apstede, near Utrecht

Herman Saftleven
Ruined Cottages in Apstede, near Utrecht
197 x 152 mm
Black chalk with brush and gray-green ink wash and touches of blue wash on cream laid paper
The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York

Other works by Herman Saftleven

Herman Saftleven Pear Cactus in Bloom
Pear Cactus in Bloom

Herman Saftleven Delft after the explosion of the powder magazine
Delft after the explosion of the powder magazine

Herman Saftleven Clus­ter of Trees in the Dunes
Clus­ter of Trees in the Dunes
c. 1627-30

Herman Saftleven Woods near Doorn, with a Shep­herd and His Flock
Woods near Doorn, with a Shep­herd and His Flock
c. 1645-55

Herman Saftleven Dunes with a Village and a View of the Sea
Dunes with a Village and a View of the Sea