Edgar Degas

Jockey seen in Profile

Edgar Degas - Jockey seen in Profile

Edgar Degas
Jockey seen in Profile
283 x 418 mm
Red chalk on off-white thin wove paper
Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam


1998 Degas at the Races, Nr. 81

Other works by Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas Study of four nude dancers
Study of four nude dancers
c. 1890-1900

Edgar Degas Jockey

Edgar Degas Two Studies of a Groom
Two Studies of a Groom
c. 1878

Edgar Degas Two Jockeys
Two Jockeys
c. 1868-70

Edgar Degas After the bath, woman drying her hair
After the bath, woman drying her hair
c. 1893-98