Bernhard Strigel

Reverse of Margaret Vöhlin

Bernhard Strigel - Reverse of Margaret Vöhlin

Bernhard Strigel
Reverse of Margaret Vöhlin
43.8 x 31.1 cm
Oil on wood
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Ralph and Mary Booth Collection

Related works


Bernhard Strigel - Margaret Vöhlin, Wife of Hans Rott
Bernhard Strigel
Margaret Vöhlin, Wife of Hans Rott


Collection catalogues
John Walker, National Gallery of Art, Washington, New York, 1995, nr. 163

External links

National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. Accession number 1947.6.5.b

Other works by Bernhard Strigel

Bernhard Strigel St. Mary Salome and her family
St. Mary Salome and her family

Bernhard Strigel Hans Rott, Patrician of Memmingen
Hans Rott, Patrician of Memmingen

Bernhard Strigel The Disrobing of Christ
The Disrobing of Christ

Bernhard Strigel Reverse of Hans Rott
Reverse of Hans Rott

Bernhard Strigel Christ Taking Leave of His Mother
Christ Taking Leave of His Mother