Pieter Bruegel the Elder - Wedding dance

Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Wedding dance
119.4 x 157.5 cm
Oil on panel
The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit


Larry Silver, Pieter Bruegel, New York; London, 2011, fig. 288
Anna Tummers (ed.), Celebrating in the Golden Age, Haarlem, 2011, p. 13 fig. 3

Other works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Lazy-Luscious Land
Lazy-Luscious Land

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Fall of Icarus
Fall of Icarus

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Peasant wedding feast
Peasant wedding feast
c. 1567

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Christ carrying the cross
Christ carrying the cross

Pieter Bruegel the Elder Two monkeys
Two monkeys