Anthony van Dyck

The Continence of Scipio

Anthony van Dyck - The Continence of Scipio

Anthony van Dyck
The Continence of Scipio
c. 1620-21
183 x 232 cm
Oil on canvas
Christ Church Picture Gallery, Oxford


Catalogues raisonnés
Barnes I.157

Alejandro Vergara and Friso Lammertse (eds.), The Young Van Dyck, New York, NY, 2013, fig. 11

Other works by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck Maria de Tassis
Maria de Tassis
c. 1629-30

Anthony van Dyck Portrait of an Armored Man with Red Armband
Portrait of an Armored Man with Red Armband
c. 1625/27

Anthony van Dyck Portrait of Lucas van Uffel
Portrait of Lucas van Uffel

Anthony van Dyck Christ Carrying the Cross
Christ Carrying the Cross
c. 1618

Anthony van Dyck Saint Sebastian Bound for Martyrdom
Saint Sebastian Bound for Martyrdom
c. 1617-18