Paul Cézanne

The feast

Paul Cézanne - The feast

Paul Cézanne
The feast
c. 1867
130 x 81 cm
Oil on canvas
Private collection


Catalogues raisonnés
R 128

Joachim Pissarro, Pioneering modern painting, New York/London, 2005, fig. 30
Joseph J. Rishel and Katherine Sachs (eds.), Cézanne and Beyond, Philadelphia; New Haven and London, 2009, plate 1


1988 Cezanne. The Early Years 1859-1872, Nr. 39

Other works by Paul Cezanne

Paul Cézanne Seated Peasant
Seated Peasant
c. 1892-96

Paul Cézanne Montagne Sainte-Victoire seen from Les Lauves
Montagne Sainte-Victoire seen from Les Lauves

Paul Cézanne Self-portrait
c. 1873

Paul Cézanne Vase of flowers
Vase of flowers

Paul Cézanne The house of the hanged man, Auvers-sur-Oise
The house of the hanged man, Auvers-sur-Oise
c. 1873